Here's a review of "Irish Eyes", a culinary adventure into cholesterol and prepared food that would have New York Mayor Nanny Bloomberg shutting the place down and arresting the cooks for attempted murder.
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”Irish Eyes”-A Restaurant Featuring Comfort Meals That Might Kill You
Let me sum it up by stating that if southern Delaware’s infamous “Irish Eyes” restaurant was in New York Mayor Bloomberg would shut it down toot de sweet and have the owners thrown in jail for attempted murder.
New York, along with Nanny Bloomberg, is on a mission to make all New Yorkers healthy, already prohibiting foods fried in trans-fat and on a mission to cut salt usage drastically.
On a recent visit to Irish Eyes restaurant located in Lewes, Delaware I ordered a concoction that would have Bloomberg beating up the cook bejeesus with a billy club.
Irish Eyes, Lewes Delaware restaurant, web site.
Which is not to say that I didn’t quite enjoy the meal but go with me here, as one with a heart-bypass and a penchant for racking up high cholesterol, I could only indulge in this sort of dinner maybe once, twice a year, tops.
I began the meal with a fine appetizer, heart-approved, of something called “almost famous” cucumber bruschetta.
The treat consisted of about six pieces of Melba type toast drizzled with balsamic vinegar. The “bruschetta” contained tiny, perfect squares of feta cheese and fresh cucumber.
Bruschetta is a dish one normally associates with tomatoes, perhaps onions, some celery, chopped up finely. It is a sort of watery salsa usually scooped up with a piece of dried toast type bread or large crackers. The only problem I had with this Irish Eyes “almost famous” bruschetta is those perfectly square pieces of feta cheese. Good feta cheese is crumbly. You get those exactly square pieces of the stuff and you’ve got a very processed sort of feta cheese, not the very earthly tasting cheese made from goat’s milk. Like American cheese can be processed and formed into perfect blocks and manipulated to become the stuff of velveeta, so can feta cheese. Indeed, this feta cheese was certainly edible but it was lacking. If Irish Eyes would use real feta cheese maybe this bruschetta dish would finally become famous. The fresh cucumbers, however, and the Melba toast with the balsamic vinegar were perfect. This appetizer had the zesty feel of a summer garden.

For my entrée I chose a dish called “Seafood Shepherd’s Pie”.
I’d debated long before the anticipated visit whether to get that very Irish meal of corned beef and cabbage. Since I am very Irish in ancestry, I love corned beef and some kind of pork, cooked in a big pot along with plenty of potatoes, of course. But I balked. First, I like my cabbage boiled to nothing-hood, not that I’m proud of this. Restaurants of this day tend to barely boil vegetables, serving them in the trendy “crisp-tender” final product. I say phooey on that. If I want a salad, I’ll ask for a salad, darn it.
Thus I did not want to order what I’d hope would be a big plate of mushy cabbage with potatoe pieces to the side and a couple of healthy slices of corned beef and instead get a wedge of “crisp tender” cabbage and some chewy potatoes.
But Shepherd’s Pie? How could you go wrong with this?
Shepherd’s pie is another English/Irish dish, consisting of at a minimum a combination of mashed potatoes over some sort of protein in gravy. Beyond that shepherd’s pie is a cook’s creation and could include the addition of various vegetables with meat ranging from stew beef to ground beef.
The Irish Eyes concoction added a layer of melted cheese over the mashed potatoes and hey, that sounded fine to me.
The dish also included shrimp, big hunks of scallops and some lobster meat in a creamy gravy that contained fresh tomatoes, zuchinni, carrots and celery. I dislike zuchinni and yes it came “crisp-tender” so I pulled all this out. The cheese layer over the mashed potatoes, folks it was a bit over the top and I could not have finished that big plate of melted goo on a dare. But it was very good, yes it was. Took me two days to eat it at home and this was for the best in that my cholesterol rose just looking at this dish.
Husband had fish and chips. The fish looked to be fried just perfect though I didn’t take a bite. I already had more than I could handle with that shepherd’s pie.
I ordered an appetizer of wings in sesame-honey sauce to go plus I had a Margarita. Our bills for the meal, the two appetizers, one drink and two entrees was $60.00 which included a nice tip. Service was excellent by the way. Those wings were delicious after a quick heat in the microwave the following day.
Yes I’d go to Irish Eyes again but I’d have to limit such eating adventures to once a year. I’m not sure about husband as this sort of fare is definitely not the sort of stuff he enjoys. We only went this one time because…well it’s a long story.
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